Fisheries Education and Training Agency
The global and dynamic nature of today’s fishery products market make it essential that actors participating in fish trade are equipped with knowledge and skills to effectively improve their performance in responding to the demands of an increasingly complex and competitive business environment in domestic, regional and international markets. High consumer expectations, international food safety legislation, environmental concern and international trade regulations represent just some of the challenges being faced by fish trade actors in our country.
In designing this course, it was recognized that failure to comply with the requirements of food safety legislation of importing countries is a major constraint to access rewarding markets. Hence, development and implementation of management systems to achieve international standards and compliance with national legislation are therefore central to the Aqua-food business management. Areas to be covered include; International Trade and supply chain management, Implementation of food safety & control system, Project management & research methods, Innovation in the international value chain, International Law & Food safety, Managerial economics and strategic leadership.
Holders of Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) with four (4) passes in nonreligious subjects; AND Possession of Diploma (NTA Level 6) in Aquaculture Technology; Fish Processing, Quality Assurance and Marketing; Animal Health and Production; Fisheries Science and Technology; Fisheries Management and Technology; Agriculture Production; General Agriculture; Human Nutrition; Environmental Science; Marine Engineering and Refrigeration; Computing and Information Technology; Computer Science; Locomotive Engineering; Electronic and Telecommunications OR Holders of Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE) with two (2) passes in Science subjects (i.e. Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Geography, History, Information and Computer Studies, Engineering science, Agriculture science and Nutrition); AND Possession of Higher Diploma in Aqua-Food Business Management Technology
Bachelor in Aqua-Food Business Management Technology